Substance Abuse 


don't wait until it's too late

Substance abuse can be a progressive and chronic issue.  This means that it normally only produces more severe consequences and becomes harder to manage and recover from over time.  

It also means that for a lot of people, it won't go away on its own.  Therapy can help you to prevent more severe consequences down the road that can lead to the loss of your job, family, or even your life. 

Abstinence not required

You don't have to be ready to stop all substance use the moment you enter therapy.  At CER, we use a harm reduction approach that focuses on building relationships with people regardless of their use while helping them prevent negative consequences from their substance abuse.  

We can meet with you and help develop a plan that works for you, whether it's reducing or completely stopping your use.


Get to the bottom of it

Substance use problems are often masking other issues related to trauma, relationships, or difficult emotions.  Therapy can help you to get to the root of these issues so that you aren't just treating symptoms but actually recovering!

design your plan

Recovery looks different for everyone and there are a lot of options to get what you need.  We can discuss all of the various treatment and recovery options with you, make recommendations, and help coordinate your care.